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Best Practices

General best practices

Display progress

Inform what is happening inside your task

def long_task(self)-> bool:
    record = 1

    for entry in Model.objects.all():
        self.update_state(state='PROGRESS', meta={'current': record, 'entry': str(entry)})
        record += 1
    return True

Sentry Integration

In case you use Sentry, add some useful information

from functools import wraps

def sentry_tags(func: Callable) -> Callable: 
    def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
        with configure_scope() as scope:
            scope.set_tag("celery", True)
            scope.set_tag("celery_task", func.__name__)
            return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper

def task(self) -> bool:
    return True