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Data cleaning and updates.

There are several options to clean data for households or individuals in the collector interface.

Bulk Actions

The system allows users to perform mass operations on multiple records at once. These actions help streamline data management by applying updates to multiple Household or Individual entities in a single process.

In-System Bulk Data Modifications

To perform bulk updates, go to:

Home › Households | Individuals
Select the records and apply the desired action:

  • Mass update record fields

    Allows the user to define values and apply them using functions like:

    set, set null, upper, lower, toggle, ...
  • Update fields using RegEx

    Allows the user to define a regular expression and a substitution pattern for any field and apply it.

Bulk Data Export, Offline Editing, and Reimport

Users can modify data in bulk by exporting records to a .xlsx file, making necessary changes outside the system, and then importing the updated file back.

The .xlsx file contains two protected columns: id and version. These columns should not be modified during regular editing, as they are essential for correctly identifying and updating records.

Additionally, the system includes a concurrency control mechanism to prevent accidental overwrites of updated data.

Process Overview

  1. Export Data

    To begin, navigate to:

    Home › Households | Individuals
    Select the records and apply the action "Export records as .xlsx for bulk updates". Then, choose the columns to update and press [Export]. The export process will be scheduled as an asynchronous task.

  2. Edit the Exported File

    Once the .xlsx file is generated, update the necessary values while ensuring that the id and version columns remain unchanged.

  3. Import the Updated File Back into the System

    After making the necessary modifications, navigate to:

    Home › Program
    Press [Update Records], select the file, choose the target (Household | Individual), and optionally provide a description. Finally, press [Import]. This action will schedule an asynchronous task to process the updates.

Preventing Conflicts with CONCURRENCY_GUARD

To ensure data consistency, the system provides the CONCURRENCY_GUARD parameter. When enabled, it prevents updates if a record has changed after the export. This ensures that newer modifications made by other users or processes are not accidentally overwritten during import. If a conflict is detected, the system will reject the update, requiring the user to re-export the latest data before making further changes.

Single-Entity Operations

Unlike bulk actions, these operations apply to a single Household or Individual entry. To access these actions, go to:

Home › Households | Individuals
Select a specific Household or Individual, then use the available buttons:


Ensures that the record meets the required data standards. If any issues are detected, the affected fields turn red, and an explanatory error message appears.

View Raw Data

Allows the user to see the raw, unprocessed data of the selected record. This can be useful for debugging or reviewing the exact stored values before applying further modifications.