If you encounter issues while running the service, the admin panel can be a useful tool for diagnosing and resolving problems. The admin panel provides access to various configurations, logs, and status indicators that can help identify potential causes of issues.
Reprocessing Deduplication Sets
If you need to rerun the entire cycle of image processing and duplicate detection for a specific deduplication set, you can easily requeue the corresponding job from the admin panel.
To do this:
Navigate to:
Home › Api › Dedup jobs
Select the relevant deduplication set.
Click the Queue button to restart the job. This action will delete all previous findings and process the images again from scratch.
You can monitor the status of the Celery tasks related to this process by navigating to:
Home › Celery Results › Task results
This feature is particularly useful if:
You have updated the configuration of the deuplications set.
Images have been added or removed from the deduplication set.
The previous processing attempt was unsuccessful.
By requeuing, you ensure the deduplication set reflects the most accurate and up-to-date results.
To efficiently track and monitor errors within the application, Sentry is integrated as the primary tool for error logging and alerting.
Sentry environment
For Sentry to work correctly, ensure that the SENTRY_DSN environment variable is set.