Generate Payment Plans Report from a template
1. Navigate to ⧉
2. Add a query
3. In the Parent field, you have to chose the report template that you want to use. It has to be using the Parameters so that you can substitute new ones. The target and code fields must be empty but the country and Parent fields must be all set.
4. Delete anything in the code field result=conn.all()
5. Click this dropdown for the parametrizer.
6. You can chose any parameter or create one by clicking on the "+" sign.
7. Chose a name and a country.
8. Fill the value field with the correct json information:
{"payment_plan": ["PP-4140-24-00000056", "PP-4140-24-00000055", "PP-4140-24-00000049", "PP-4140-24-00000046"], "business_area": ["syria"]}
9. Save the parameters
10. Click this button.
11. Click "Info on Payment plans (Payment plan list report)"
12. Click "Queue"
13. Go back and we create the report configurations
14. Select the country
15. Click "Info on Payment plans (Payment plan list report)" as the query
16. Chose the report to be available as Excel and html file
17. you can chose to limit access to or notify " ✉"
18. Click the "Compress" field if you want the report to be available as a compressed file.
19. Save and continue editing, and queue the report.
20. Click "VIEW ON SITE" to view the result
21. Click "view"
22. Click "Report For Payment Plans In Syriapp-4140-24-00000056_Syria"