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Test Suite

The test suite is located within the tests directory and is organized into two subdirectories: unit and selenium. The unit directory contains unit tests, which focus on testing individual components of the project in isolation. The selenium directory contains tests that utilize Selenium for browser-based testing, ensuring that the user interface and web interactions function as expected.

Run "Unit" tests

Unit tests are executed within a Docker container using the pytest framework. This ensures a consistent testing environment, isolated from local machine configurations.

docker compose run --rm backend pytest -n auto --reruns 3  -rP -p no:warnings --cov-report= --capture=sys  /tests/unit

Run "Selenium" functional test

Selenium tests run on the host machine. This is due to the fact that Selenium does not currently support the ARM64 architecture for Linux Docker images. This will require some more steps to be taken before running the tests.


  • pdm


  1. Services

To run the tests locally, the following services are required:

  1. Postgres
  2. Redis
  3. Elasticsearch

You can either install these services manually or use the docker-compose file located in the development_tools directory.

  1. Running Services with Docker Compose

Make sure you have the required .env file from the backend setup, then you can run the services using the following command:

``bash cd development_tools docker compose --profile services up 1. Install system requirements 1. MACOS 1.brew install wkhtmltopdf pango postgis gdal1. Crate virtual env 1.pdm venv create1. Register the created venv for the project with 1.pdm use1. Activate your venv 1.eval $(pdm venv activate)1. Check your environment 1. eg. $python --version-> see that it uses Python 3.11.* 1. Install the packages 1.pdm sync --no-editable --no-self --no-isolation1. Run the tests 1.source ./development_tools/local_selenium_init.sh1.python -m pytest -svvv tests/selenium --html-report=./report/report.html`