Validate json
Let imagine a simple datastructure like:
data = [
{"name" : "John", "last_name": "Doe", "gender": "M"},
{"name" : "Jane", "last_name": "Doe", "gender": "F"},
{"name" : "Andrea", "last_name": "Doe", "gender": "X"},
{"name" : "Mary", "last_name": "Doe", "gender": "1"}
Let start creating validation rules (here in the code, you can use the admin interface otherwise)
fs, __ = Fieldset.objects.get_or_create(name="test.xlsx")
charfield = FieldDefinition.objects.get(field_type=forms.CharField)
choicefield = FieldDefinition.objects.get(field_type=forms.ChoiceField)
FlexField.objects.get_or_create(name="name", fieldset=fs, field=charfield)
FlexField.objects.get_or_create(name="last_name", fieldset=fs, field=charfield)
FlexField.objects.get_or_create(name="gender", fieldset=fs, field=choicefield,
attrs={"choices": [["M", "M"], ["F", "F"], ["X", "X"]})
Validate the file against it
errors = fs(data)
{4: {'gender': ['Select a valid choice. 1 is not one of the available choices.']}}
Detect unknown data
With the example above just uses
errors = fs.validate(data, fail_if_alien=True)
1: {'-': ["Alien values found {'unknown'}"]},
4: {'gender': ['Select a valid choice. 1 is not one of the available choices.']}
Handle Master detail data
How do connect two Validators with master/details relationship
COUNTRIES = [{"id": 1, "name": "Italy"}, {"id": 2, "name": "France"}]
CITIES = [{"country": 1, "name": "Rome"}, {"country": 2, "name": "Paris"}, {"country": 3, "name": "Berlin"}]
num = FieldDefinition.objects.create(name="Int", field_type=forms.IntegerField)
char = FieldDefinition.objects.create(name="Char", field_type=forms.CharField)
country = Fieldset.objects.create(name="Country")
country.fields.create(name="id", field=num)
country.fields.create(name="name", field=char)
city = Fieldset.objects.create(name="City")
city.fields.create(name="country", field=num)
city.fields.create(name="name", field=char)
city.set_master(country, "country")
if not (errors := country.validate(COUNTRIES)):
errors = city.validate(CITIES)
{'-': ["'3' not found in master"]}
Create Parent/Child validation
Parent/Child validation cannot be created by UI, but mus be coded using custom fields
VALID_CHILDS = {"AFG": ["AFG1", "AFG2"]}
class DynamicChoiceField(forms.CharField):
def validate_with_parent(self, parent_value, value):
if childs := VALID_CHILDS.get(parent_value):
if value in childs:
raise ValidationError("Not valid child for selected parent")
class Parent(forms.ChoiceField):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.choices = (("AFG", "Parent #1"), ("UKR", "Parent #2"))
class Child(DynamicChoiceField):
def test_validate_child(db):
fd1 = FieldDefinitionFactory(field_type=Parent)
fd2 = FieldDefinitionFactory(field_type=Child)
fs: Fieldset = FieldsetFactory()
ita = FlexFieldFactory(name="country", definition=fd1, fieldset=fs)
reg = FlexFieldFactory(name="region", master=ita, definition=fd2, fieldset=fs)
errors = fs.validate([{"country": "AFG", "region": "AFG1"}])
assert errors == {}
errors = fs.validate([{"country": "AFG", "region": "---"}])
assert errors == {1: {'region': "['Not valid child for selected parent']"}}