When the Payment Plan is ready, PG starts sending data to MoneyGram using REST API.
Transactions support
WILL_CALL - Cash in Hand
DIRECT_TO_ACCT - Wallets (aka Mobile Money)
BANK_DEPOSIT - Bank Transfer
moreover are available other transaction types - WILLCALL_TO - 2_HOUR - OVERNIGHT - OVERNIGHT2ANY - 24_HOUR - CARD_DEPOSIT - HOME_DELIVERY
Once MoneyGram delivers the money to beneficiaries it calls PG api through Webhooks.
PG / WU integration
- PG -> MG: Authentication is performed using rest API and credentials
- MG -> PG: Is done through webhooks and Digital Signature Validation ⧉ ⧉
Send Money
Payment Gateway creates batches of transactions (maximum 10.000 per hour) to send to WU. For each transaction, PG calls first the SendMoneyValidation service and then the SendMoneyStore.
Receive Notification
Western Union calls PG endpoint in order to notify that money has been received by the beneficiary, then PG responds with an acknowledge to Western Union, to confirm the status of the operation:
When Payment Plan is set as ready, PG starts sending data to Western Union though SOAP Requests.
Transactions support:
- Money in Minutes (aka Cash over the counter)
- Wallets (aka Mobile Money)