Cloud usage

Can we use cloud services?

Nothing in the DPG standard suggests that you can’t use cloud services. The important piece is that you need to provide an open alternative to the service you’re using.

An easier approach to comply with the DPG standard is to:

Use open source components. Delegate the hosting and operation to your cloud provider

Examples πŸ”—

Databases πŸ”—

Most applications need to persist data in order to query it at a later time, and most applications use a database for this purpose. Depending on your system, a relational (RBMS) or a NoSQL datastore will best serve your needs. Either way, you can use open source systems and delegate the operation, hosting, backup to your cloud provider.

Open SourceCloud offering
PostgreSQLAWS1 RDS, GCP2 Cloud SQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Scaleway Managed Database for PostgreSQL
MySQLAWS RDS, GCP Cloud SQL, Azure Database for MySQL, Scaleway Managed Database for MySQL
RedisAWS ElastiCache, GCP Memorystore, Azure Cache for Redis, Scaleway Managed Database for Redisβ„’

The above table serve as example, the Venture Fund does not endorse any particular Cloud vendor.

Avoid using a proprietary database (e.g. Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database) will make your application not platform independent

Alternative to non open source components πŸ”—

ComponentOpen Source alternative
Confluent KakfaApache Kakfa
Elastic SearchOpenSearch
Google MapsLeaftlet
ServiceOpen source
Auth0OpenID Connect based authentication (Keycloak, Ory)
FirebaseSupabase, Etebase
Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)UnifiedPush
Notes πŸ”—

  1. Amazon Web Services ↩︎

  2. Google Cloud Platform ↩︎