Source code for rhizome.api.resources.custom_chart

from rhizome.api.resources.base_model import BaseModelResource
from rhizome.models.dashboard_models import CustomChart

[docs]class CustomChartResource(BaseModelResource): ''' **GET Requests:** returns charts from the API. If no parameters are given, returns all the charts - *Optional Parameters:* 'id' -- returns the chart with the given id 'dashboard_id' -- returns a chart associated with the given dashboard id - *Errors:* If an invalid id is passed, the API returns an empty list of objects and a status code of 200 **DELETE Requests:** - *Required Parameters:* 'id' **POST Requests:** - *Required Parameters:* 'uuid', 'title', 'chart_json' - *Errors:* If any of the required parameters are missing, the API returns a 500 error ''' class Meta(BaseModelResource.Meta): resource_name = 'custom_chart' object_class = CustomChart required_fields_for_post = ['chart_json','title','uuid']