Elsa Health


Elsa Health develops AI-powered clinical decision support algorithms for healthcare providers in East Africa. These algorithms are delivered through the Elsa Health Assistant or integrated into existing health information platforms to provide disease identification, triage support, adherence prediction, and outbreak predictions. Elsa Health currently powers decisions for 10,000 patient visits per month.

DPG Indicators

The Digital Public Goods Standard is a set of specifications and guidelines designed to maximise consensus about whether a digital solution conforms to the definition set by the UN Secretary-General in the 2020 Roadmap for Digital Cooperation, which states that a DPG, “is open source software, open data, open AI models, open standards and open content that adhere to privacy and other applicable best practices, do no harm and are of high relevance for attainment of the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”. Learn more about the DPG here.

Below are the DPG indicators Elsa Health has met:

  • Relevance to Sustainable Development Goals
  • Use of Approved Open Licenses
  • Clear Ownership
  • Platform Independence
  • Documentation
  • Mechanism for Extracting Data
  • Adherence to Standards & Best Practices

Aligned SDGs


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