Checklist for Success

Most relevant for 💭 Visionaries and 🔥 Advisors

    • How to Install Guides & User Guides make the reader prepared and the process more attainable
    • Videos are also helpful for installation and adoption
    • Create a detailed roadmap outlining the phases of the transformation, key milestones, and timelines
    • Usually other pieces of technology already exist. Thus, there is a need to connect and work seamlessly with these pieces. When undergoing digital transformation initiatives it is imperative a solution is interoperable with other e-government solutions.
    • Considering the context of those implementing the solution is necessary. Lived experiences means including real-world workflows into your decision and implementation.
      • Ex: Do you need to include digital literacy training to your onboarding for field workers? Do you expect field agents to use their personal phones to run the solution, or is hardware provided and how do you train offices on management of these hardware units? Is there 24hr connectivity for electricity and internet?
    • User experience and user interface research and testing are critical for ensuring that digital products are intuitive, accessible, and effective, directly impacting user satisfaction and overall success. For digital transformation initiatives to be successful it is imperative one understands the actual workflow and contexts for the people you’re seeking to serve, including their digital lives and their capabilities (what technology is accessible to them? how often are they connected to the internet? how expensive is data? do local staff and those you are seeking to serve read and write? etc).
    • Having a community of contributors diversifies the expertise and opportunity for finding flaws while also compounding knowledge. It helps to have a decentralized learning approach with a couple people who can do the same thing so if a person leaves the work there isn’t a total gap in skill, knowledge or security.
    • Audits are like a litmus test. Quickly highlighting vulnerabilities and the health of the solution as a whole. Technology is rapidly progressing and therefore, it’s necessary to regularly test the health of a system and look for exposed vulnerabilities, threats and opportunities for attacks.
    • Tip: Use a third-party auditor for unbiased results.
    • This means thinking about both how you design a solution to reduce harm, vulnerabilities regarding the code itself and the human factor–how humans can use the solution for harm, hack it for sensitive information or engineer it to cause mass destruction.
    • We understand time and financial restrictions are often at play here, but working alongside a vendor or team that is responsive, communicates effectively, and engages in the process of fixing vulnerabilities or bugs, can help ensure success. Additionally, invest in training programs to equip employees with the necessary skills and knowledge. Engage them in the process to make them feel part of the transformation journey.
    • We firmly stand behind open source technology. It is transparent, collaborative, replicable and the community can contribute, making it a better solution for all.
      • Tip: Many DPGs are Open Source technologies by nature.
    • Foster a culture that embraces change, innovation, and continuous improvement. Encourage collaboration, experimentation, and learning from failures to build a resilient and adaptable workforce.